What's The Deal With LVL Lashes?

Whether you’re a beauty junkie or low-maintenance kinda lass: it’s time to forget eyelash extensions and give false eye lashes the boot. Because this summer it’s all about LVL Lashes.

Michelle Keegan revealed in an exclusive interview with LOOK that it’s the one beauty treatment she can’t live without. “I have it before every holiday, it’s just amazing”. But what is it you ask? It’s a combination of a lash perm and tint, but the results are so amazing, all your friends will be asking what you secret is.

Other celebs and bloggers have also sworn by the treatment, with Victoria from In The Frow saying that she’s been a fan of the treatment now for over a year.

“I’ve tried everything on my lashes, from regular tints to strip lash extensions, curling them on a daily basis and conditioning mascaras. Yes, they all look great at the time, but the results never last. So I was curious to hear about the LVL Lash Treatment.

“Before I made my way to their W1 clinic on Harley Street I was sent out a patch test to make sure I wasn’t allergic to any of the ingredients. It felt a bit like a science project, with four little pipettes and Petri dishes. Once I had the all clear, after 48 hours, I was ready to have the treatment. What’s involved? Well, not much from me, all I had to do was sit still on a long bed for 45 minutes with my eyes closed. It doesn’t hurt, but I did find it tricky to keep my eyes shut for the full 45 minutes, while the perming and tinting took place.

“The results were unbelievable. Straight away they looked longer, more separated and there was no way I needed to go near a lash curler, or mascara really. I was advised not to touch them, including going mascara-free for 24 hours, and I was given a lash conditioning serum which I was to use twice daily.

“ I definitely didn’t need to wear as much mascara, doing my eye make-up took half the time and the results lasted well over a month, yes really! The treatment can be pricey, ranging between £45 and £95 (at some London salons) but I have to say the results are worth it. I had so many compliments saying how awake and bushy eyed I looked, even from make-up artists, and I woke up with perfect lashes. How can you argue with that!”


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